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Matter Organization

  • 1 September 2024
  • 2 replies

Since the most recent update to Smokeball, I believe that a feature that used to exist is gone. Previously, I liked to group and sort matters by stages in the main matter view before accessing a specific matter and I cannot find this feature now. How can I group matters by stage and next event date for ease of access?

2 replies

Userlevel 6
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@Premier Legacy Law - See Recent updates to the native desktop app | Community ( regarding the removal of “grouping” in matter view.

I am able to access the same information differently: both of these features are working for me in “Dashboard”. Pictured below is my matter stages dashboard.

In “Main Matter View” you can also select the drop down and select stages to view.


Thank you for that answer - that tells me what I needed to know. I was hoping they didn’t do away of the grouping in the matter view. We will use the sort feature.
