This question is not directly whether Smokeball can work on her laptop. I’ve read the 2/24 update on that. Rather it’s an opinion question.
I’ve hired a new assistant. Her work history is entirely in paper-based offices and I’m digital only. I’ve confirmed she’s a good, if not the quickest learner and has felt unchallenged in her past job, and is excited about learning smokeball and working in a fully digitized office and learning lots of computer stuff. But right now all she knows is Word, Excel, Outlook and Quickbooks. Yes I know that’s shocking, at least to me .
She’s been working for the last 6 years on her own Apple laptop.
So the question is - how difficult is it for an Apple person to sit down at a PC and start working? I know it varies, but would a windows emulator (or whatever the technical language is) that works with Smokeball on a laptop she knows be better than plopping down in front of a windows PC?