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In such a busy field, it’s important to take time to wind down and enjoy things beyond your jurisdiction. 


What better way than with a hobby?


This space is to share what you’re passionate about outside the office and to connect with others who share your interests. 


If you volunteer, play sport, dance, exercise, collect, make, or anything else, click reply and share it with us here!

Nice idea Ben!
I like to paint .. but I am far from being an artist. I got into Paint by Numbers and then started playing with those to make them more original. It has become an enjoyable, relaxing hobby of mine.

I have also (at my ripe age) just re-taken up Roller Skating 😨  I have only been out a couple of times so far, but aiming for more and I am still in one piece, so that is positive! 

I love to hear other people’s hobbies to get ideas too - please let me know what you enjoy! Any other skaters out there?

Hi @Ben - I absolutely love cooking in my spare time (and trying to make cuisines from different cultures). I also used to be a Premium Wine Manager in another life, so I love hosting dinner parties with a lot of thought put into the different courses and which wines pair best with each dish. Keen to hear about everyone else’s hobbies!


@Emma I need to learn your wine secrets! I’m pretty good at drinking it, but don’t know much about it at all.

This isn’t a hobby I do often, but I LOVE rally car driving. I was given a track day voucher where I got to drive a WRX and an Evo, my life-long car crushes, around a rally track for a few hours. AMAZING.

I’ve got another voucher I haven’t been able to use yet, because the Newcastle track has basically been a muddy river all year. But can’t wait to get back there!

I am also a mom of 4 teenagers so not too much free time.  When I do get free time I love to play board games or cards.  I am a big fan of Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride and Dominion.  I am an avid reader as well.  Most spare moments are spent reading.  I love anything fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, or action.  

Also @Ben I exercise, but I do not consider that something I do in my free time.  It is a job! 😅

Two things I’m passionate about outside of work are rock climbing and birding. Living in Chicago, most of the rock climbing happens indoors at a gym called First Ascent. It’s an awesome way to clear my mind, and I love that you don’t need one body type or ability to be a good climber. 


Everywhere I go I keep my eyes and ears open for birds. The first months of the pandemic were when I bought nice binoculars and that turned a hobby into a passion. I’m still a novice, but if you ever have a bird question--hit me up! 🦉


@Rachel Holmes, amazing that you’re getting back into roller skating! I was so bad as a kid, I used to make my parents pull both cars out of the garage, and I’d just go in a circle in there because I couldn’t manage any curbs or hills. So sad.

@kuhrich and @Rachel Holmes I’m impressed with your skating abilities!

When I was a wee lad I wanted to learn to skateboard, but my desire to learn to skateboard was trumped by my desire to not fall over on concrete. Apparently I’m a wuss.


All things nature! I have a 2 ½ acre property and I just love taking “hikes” around my property, watching the wild life and listening to all the wonderful nature sounds. It always helps me reset from any stressful day! About a year ago, my husband and I started raising chickens 🐔… it started with four and now we have 48 chickens! 😅 You can say, it’s starting to become an obsession! 

Hey All!


I am a nerd of pretty high degree so watching or reading anything scifi/fantasy or comic based (primarily DC comics). Beyond that I am a classicaly trained singer and also work the Ren Faire. Soooo not sure which of those count as hobbies but there ya go lol.

I am a huge crafter/maker. If it is paint related I am all about it! I can be lost for hours when painting, especially if I have a good book playing (as a busy gal, audio books are key). Currently I’m flipping a lot of furniture for my own home, my biggest project will be my coffee bar 😁☕️

@paralegal1 , you are living my dream lifestyle! My wife and I are saving up for some land of our own. Hopefully one day we too can enjoy lovely walks around our property :) 

I am a maker too @Lizzy Torres! I have built/recycled a bunch of furniture for our home and am currently learning to 3D print so I can make even more things! 

I also love Scuba/Free-diving and Photography. I’ve started combining the two with underwater photography. Here’s a photo I took a little while ago. 



My hobby is learning new useless skills 😁

Riding a unicycle 
Cracking a whip
Fire staff spinning
Learn to solve Rubik’s cube 
Trying and failing to learn parkour (I looked like Dwight from the office) 
The next goals are:
Slackline walking
Backflip (although at my age I’m not sure that is wise) 

Hi Ben, 

I’m taking up a new hobby! Light sculptures. I’m yet to find a place where I can start learning but it’s nice to have settled on something I’m interested in learning to do.

What’s your hobby, Ben?


@Ben That photo is beautiful! 😍  LOL @Ben.Enviah ! I love it! 😅 @Mel at Loyalest Light sculptures? I could use a few in my giant yard, let me know when you have a few for sale! 😉

Right now I am addicted to pickleball. Our little town in N Idaho is hopping on the pickleball train and building an indoor facility which will be great during the long winter months. I also play golf at least once a week. We have 10 acres with a large garden & greenhouse that take up the rest of my free time. I relax in the winter!

Lately, I’ve made it a point to get better at playing guitar! I’ve been playing since I was young, but mostly just strumming and basic rhythm chord progressions.

I’ve now been playing nightly working on doing more technical picking and lead. Trying to mimic some of the old bluegrass guitarists that have always impressed me.

My issue now is that I’m ready to upgrade to a better quality acoustic! My old Yamaha is good but I’m looking for something with better action.

Any suggestions appreciated!

@Stephanie Baumgartner I had never heard of Pickleball before you shared it here. Perhaps it hasn’t made it over to Australia yet. It looks like a lot of fun! 

@paralegal1 thank you for the lovely compliment. It encourages me to go out and take more :) 

@Roy Clifton I am a fellow bluegrass lover and fellow picker- although I play the banjo so I am not sure I can give you good advice on a guitar. Perhaps if I ever make it over to the US we can have a session :) 

@Ben.Enviah you’re ready to start a one man circus! 
