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We are new to SB and are having an issue with having to HEAVILY edit our invoices every month bc of all the entries… especially re emails.   How do other firms cut down on the pages and pages of invoices? Or, do you send out pages and pages?  

@TCKimberly. In our small firm we almost always send invoices by email. We often trim emails with .1 entries by marking them as non-billable. Our invoice settings (at are configured as pictured below for fee and expense subtotals at the top of the bill with the description indicating that “Line items are listed below”. Then the line items are appended after that. This is my approach to making the invoices less messy. There was a feature to group line items automatically however I could not locate it in the settings today.

@Sara Sultan - My dream feature to fix this for emails / communicates / document import and review would be to allow manual grouping of legal entries for the same attorney on the same date so that line items are not so voluminous. This would work by selecting multiple line items and selecting a “Group line items” button. The descriptions for the line items would concatenate with “;” between them.



Hi Jonathan!

For our Grow and Prosper users that have AutoTime, you can group entries that way.  Go to the native app and then File>Smokeball Settings>Staff & Users.  Choose your staff card and go to the billing tab.  


@Sara Sultan - to clarify, I want to be able to manually choose selectively when to apply the grouping. I don’t want it to automatically apply all the time. The circumstances I would most use this with are identified above. 

I will add that to our Product Teams feature suggestion!  To reiterate, you do not want AutoTime, but you would like the option to have Smokeball combine the text from time entries in certain circumstances, rather than deleting some entries and manually adding to another.

I will add that to our Product Teams feature suggestion!  To reiterate, you do not want AutoTime, but you would like the option to have Smokeball combine the text from time entries in certain circumstances, rather than deleting some entries and manually adding to another.

Thanks. I want auto time.  I do not want auto grouping. I want manual grouping.  There are situations where entries become too voluminous. For example, if I import 20 bank statements from client and then quickly open and close each one to check the statement dates I may get one or more .1 entry for each statement. Instead, I could select those entries and consolidate them into one time entry and correct the total time to an appropriate amount. 

Thanks for clarifying!
