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Despite working for free, never getting tired and always showing up on time, robots still need to be set up for success—they require an occasional check-in!  

Automation, or “the robots,” is really just using specialized technology to quickly complete common legal tasks. It will never replace key components of the work: problem solving, mentoring colleagues, advocating for clients, or other things that drew you to the work. Automation will ensure you’re not burning hours on repetitive and tedious tasks.  
Take back your time 
In our free CLE Embrace the Robots: Automate Law Firm Tasks + Grow Your Practice on November 15, we’ll help you take the next steps in automating your firm. But to do it, we need to know where you’re stuck.  

We’d like to know your answers to any or all of these questions: 

  1. What non-billable tasks are holding you up?
  2. What repeatedly appears on your to-do list and kills your profit margin?
  3. What tasks would you like help automating?

Don’t be shy! Please ask us anything. In my first few years of practice of family law, I had no idea what automation even was. Looking back, I wish I had known about document automation and auto time tracking, both of which probably would’ve saved me from a nervous breakdown. I just wanted to leave the office while the sun was still out, which automation would have enabled me to do. 

What task takes too long for you to do in your practice?

@CarsenTazi @magort @amandaharper @Stephanie Baumgartner @BridgetW @SallyBergman @atharkhan @Alexis Taylor @bethmushin @WichitaLawyer @Njattorney4u @HNLeonard @Cynthia Simpson-Cannon @Maura Zalc @Anthony Matturro @StevenMAdler @mallorylarkby @LaurenAcquaviva @msimowitz @Matt Benson @CandiceBeasley @abogada-abigail @Jean Spillane @Chuck 

any questions you want to ask about how to streamline your practice even more?

Preparing Guardianship Annual Accou tings.
