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I’m back to show you some of my favorite features that we’ve been working on here at Smokeball. 



Enhanced Billing Increments 

We’re making it easier to accommodate different billing increments that your clients might request. You can now customize billing increments at a matter level down to the minute. Jump to this feature in the video

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Billable vs Non-Billable Amounts Widget

Time is money, so we’ve added a billable vs non-billable widget to our dashboard that lets you check how much of your work can be directly billed to a client vs how much isn’t. Armed with that information you can start to close the gaps and make sure everything that can be billed, is billed. Jump to this feature in the video

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Invite clients and third-parties to events 

Whether it's a court hearing or a client meeting - it’s now easy to invite not only internal staff but also clients and other parties to attend. Event invites land in your client’s portal with the option to easily add the event to any personal calendar apps they might use to organize their time. Jump to this feature in the video

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Professional Fee Summary

Designed to cut down on Invoice queries - our update to the professional fee summary makes it easy for your client to see exactly who worked on their matter. Visit your invoice template settings to switch the summary on.  

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Invoice Reminder Emails with Pay Now Links

Our Invoice reminder emails automatically alert clients of payments that are overdue. You can now embed a pay now  button in these reminder emails to quickly move your clients to the payment step. 

Tell us what you think

These updates are for you. If you’d like more detail, different features built, or just need help setting these features up we’re here for it. Jump into the replies below and share your thoughts. 


I’ll be adding clients to events so they can see them in their client Communicate Portal. I’d like to do that with Tasks too, so clients will be able to check upcoming deadlines.  Can you add that feature?

I switched one client to a custom billing increment (minimum billable unit = 1 minute). I’d like to be able to customize certain billing items - for example: I’d like to charge by the minute for documents.

I often save attachments to emails. If an email has 10 attachments and I click “save to smokeball”, auto-billing will generate 10 separate .1 entries (billing 1 hour of time for a task that took 10 seconds).

I’d like most of my billing to be tracked with a minimum .1 billable unit, but not documents. I’d like documents to have a minimum billable unit of 1 minute. Please consider adding an option to customize billable units by type.

Thanks @Funkytown for your feedback.

We have Tasks on our list for the Client Portal - we will post in the Community when we deliver that value.

Thanks for explaining how you use billing increments, I will pass this to our Billing team for consideration.