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Smokeball Payment Provider - thru feewise /Stripe

How do I get the fee for using credit card or ACh passed to client when sending invoice 

So they pay up front



4 replies

Userlevel 5
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With Smokeball payments, as you've seen, payment fees are invoiced to you each month. In the US, there are some legal requirements state to state about whether or not you’re allowed to pass on fees, and so to make it as flexible as possible for all states, we don’t automatically collect them.

What you can do, however, is use Smokeball’s “Surcharge” feature which will allow you to add a surcharge to your invoices. You can also customise the label on the invoice, so instead of it listing it as “Surcharge” you could list is as “Processing Fee” or something similar - whatever you’re more comfortable with.

Naturally this would be applied to the invoice no matter which way they choose to make a payment though.

Does this make sense, and would this help solve your needs?




What if I don’t know if they are going to USE ACH or CC or Amex? hard to add the cost till they actually pay - any other option

Is this something we can add like a toggle to have the ability for client to pay processing fee up front .

Since it’s based on states, we know when to toggle off and on - Can we add the feature?

Userlevel 2

@BKLLC it would be great if the invoice generator could have a separate total section just for collecting the CC fees, creating a type of if/then/else for processing fee collection. First total section would be if paying by cash or check. Second total section would include a processing fee to the total if paying by CC. 

I have submitted a feature suggestion to this effect before inside the past year and another at the firm has also spoken to Smokeball trainers about this. I do hope to see a function like this implemented into the Billing module. 
