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Hi All, 

I am not sure if anyone on here has a laptop with a Snapdragon X Elite.  It is my understanding that the performance of this latest round of ARM chips from Qualcomm is comparable to Apple’s M series chips.  Additionally, the Windows X86 emulation has allegedly reached a point where Smokeball would run without issues despite it being not natively written for ARM. 

If anyone has any experience with Snapdragon X Elite, please do share it.  

Thank you!


Hi Athar,

I have not heard of anyone using Snapdragon X Elite.  I will keep my ear out and send anyone using to this post.  Have a great weekend!

@atharkhan  I’ll ping @leonzhou and the team responsible for our infrastructure about this one. I’m aware we looked into improving ARM compatibility and that a lot of the Microsoft frameworks we build Smokeball on were also being made more cross compatible by the MSFT team. 

However I just got back from parental leave so I am a few months behind! 


Hi Athar, 
Here’s a quick update from @leonzhou and @antonycukeric on where we’re up to: 
1. Core Smokeball functionality (the desktop app) is on .NET6 now- which is cross compatible with Arm64 at least according to Microsoft . Testing so far hasn’t flagged any issues- we test a lot but there’s always potential unknowns with how much variation there is in the way people set up Smokeball. 
2. We’ll do the next jump to .NET8 shortly. We have to be careful because of the many, many environments our firms run SB on. We need to be as backwards compatible as we are forwards! 
3.The Office add-ins will lag behind, I’m aware that @antonycukeric and his amazing team are deep into the work required for a complete rewrite of the Outlook add-in to support the new version and I believe this will work on essentially anything with an internet connection once it’s live. 

Hope that helps! I’ll keep an eye out for anyone else on ARM and send them this way :) 

Any updates on this? Looking at buying a Surface Laptop with Snapdragon Elite - can I use Smokeball on it?
