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List of fields for precedents

  • 12 October 2022
  • 2 replies

Is there a full list of fields available somewhere, I can't find some fields required for a new precedent, but I know they exist such “Executor”, “Attorney” etc

They are not listed in the list to the right when working on the document.

Hi @ShellGos 

The fields that are available to you in the automation field list, will be dependent on the matter that you currently have open.

So if you would like to automate an Estate Planning document, you should first open up a test (or existing) Estate Planning matter - navigate to the Precedent Library, upload your document or right-click to Modify an existing document. You will then be able to access all of the related automation fields for that matter type from the field list.

Please let me know if you need anymore guidance with this.


Thanks for your help Emma,

I finally found them.

I still think the list is overly complicated….
