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Lawmatics Workarounds

  • 19 October 2022
  • 2 replies

I am interested in hearing from other Lawmatics users about how you handle the fact that Company matters cannot convert to SB. Has anyone come up with a good workaround? I currently switch the Company matter in LM to an individual matter, convert to SB, then change it back to a Company matter in LM and change the client in SB. The amount of manual work really detracts from the benefits of automation.

I am also interested to hear if anyone sends invoices from LM. I like how the invoice can automatically get sent based on a trigger, but then I have to manually enter the payment in Smokeball. Even worse, when it is a flat fee, I have to create the invoice in SB then pay it. 

Here’s to hoping the SB/LM integration improves soon!

Hi Lauren,

I am guessing you have already entered your feature suggestions for improvements with us, but if you have not, please do so here.  

Let’s hope the Community has some ideas for you!

I also got this response from Dakota at Lawmatics (Quotes below) :

I touched base with our dev team, it sounds like our team is actually planning to start work on an update for our integration - I just don't have any sort of timeline or any other information as of now.

Sara's response is on par with what I was originally thinking, and Lauren is already doing the exact workaround I would recommend! I'll pass this on to others on my team, as well.


You can reach them via and I think they’ll circle back when they know a bit more :)