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Since transitioning to Smokeball, our firm has utilized Law Pay as a payment platform. This integration tool, however, is not very intuitive as far as applying the payments we receive through the platform to our clients’ payment portal. 

I find that I have to manually apply the payment to their client payment portal. This often creates a little bit of confusion as there is not a way to streamline the process of receiving payment, to the remittance of funds to our firm account. 

Does smokeball have a way to automatically apply payments received through Law Pay to balances due? If not, is there a way to work around this? 

Hello ​@AWlss 

If you are needing to manually record payments, that means that your clients are paying using a link directly to LawPay (often on your firm website).  The only way Smokeball can know which matter to apply a payment to is if you generate the payment link from Smokeball (it will still send you to LawPay for processing) instead of using a link created by LawPay.

Yes, you need to integrate LawPay with SB.  We do for both operating and Trust payments,

Once done, when a client pays using the SB invoice link, it gets properly recorded in SB (and run through LawPay).  

While really efficient for most transactions, you’ll still have those outlier transactions that you need to charge a card directly in LawPay then go back into SB and manually enter the transaction details - that’s the exception, though, not the rule.

