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I would like to add a spreadsheet template for tracking medical record requests to the “Medical Records” folder that we have set to auto populate when we create a new matter in Personal Injury. I can see how to add custom folders, but not how to have a folder automatically generate this document. Is this possible?

Hey there! Thank you for posting in the community. As of right now, that would be a feature suggestion. However, I have an idea that you might be able to use. In the Matter Configuration, there is a notes tab. Could you add a checklist to appear on the NOTES Widget in the matter template? The Notes widget is visible in the matter template, and this could serve as a workaround until we can review the feature suggestion. Our Product team reviews all suggestions submitted. Your checklist could list the various medical/other records request(s).


From within the matter, that Notes section will appear like this:


I’ll give it a try, thanks!

@lcoffey Smokeball has a complete feature buildout for tracking medical records requests and reporting on them:


I’m not sure what advantage there would be to using your method compared to Smokeball’s built in features. It seems like your method may have existed pre-Smokeball and is being carried onward. Smokeball is expensive if only being used as a file server but is very affordable when it is being used to the fullest extent.

@lcoffey Smokeball has a complete feature buildout for tracking medical records requests and reporting on them:


I’m not sure what advantage there would be to using your method compared to Smokeball’s built in features. It seems like your method may have existed pre-Smokeball and is being carried onward. Smokeball is expensive if only being used as a file server but is very affordable when it is being used to the fullest extent.

To be honest, I find smokeball’s medical record interface to be a bit clunky and unintuitive. I’m trying to find a middle ground for now so at least everyone working on a file can see where we are, records wise. 
