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Invoice number on letter



I was just wondering if anyone knows what Smokeball uses for Invoice Number.  I need to add their invoice number to my letter when paying the sheriff’s department for service.

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hello @LitalienLaw ,


I am not quite sure what you are looking for.  You would not be invoicing the Sheriff’s office for service.  You would instead receive an invoice from their department.  I would think it is that invoice number that needs to go on the check.

Userlevel 1

Hi Sara,


yes, we receive the invoice, but then a letter goes back to the SO with the check and the invoice number goes on that letter.  I am just trying to figure out where I should input that invoice number. I love that we can track so much about every case, I was just hoping that was also an option.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

I would put the invoice number on the memo line of the check for tracking.  Glad you are enjoying Smokeball!

Userlevel 1

We do that already, I think I will just make it an “ask” in the automation and not worry about it.


Thank you.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Thanks for your reply!  I did not realize you were generating an automated document to send with the check.  You are correct, an Ask is exactly what you should do.  There is no place to track that in the matter for automation purposes.
