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Hi folks, I had a great question from @Wendy Marroquin who’s new to running her firm with Smokeball. Welcome Wendy!

I thought I would share her question with the community so that others can read the answer and benefit from it too. 

Here’s the question:

“I am having trouble with the medical records requests and doctor's information. How do I add their names and faxes so it is automated?
I can create the letter no problem, but adding all those details takes time.”

P.s If you are in the Personal Injury space and have any tips for Wendy and her firm as they get started please do share with her. 


Hello @Wendy Marroquin

There are a couple of different ways to go about Medical Record Requests and automation.  You can create a container just to be used with the records request or you can make a template just using a letterhead container and a Party Select Ask to choose which provider.  I prefer the second method.  We recommend setting up a training with us to talk about the pros and cons of both methods and how to set it up. 

If you have not yet had a basic Automation training, you can sign up for that here

Otherwise, you can use the links below to set up a Q & A session with a trainer.

Go ahead and click here for a 30 minute session.
If you think you'll need a full hour then you can click here instead.

Thank you so much!
