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Is there a way to copy emails such that they are in more than one folder or more than one matter, like you can do with documents? I understand that you can re-tag an email such that it will move to a different matter, but

  1.  what if an email covers more than one matter and you want it assigned to both matters. 
    1. Example - email is from client with two separate matters and needs to be attached to both Matter 1 and Matter 2
  2. Also, what if you want the email assigned to a specific subfolder? 
    1. For example - email includes a settlement offer from opposing counsel and you would like it to be saved in the Settlement subfolder 


You can do this with documents so easily - I would think you should be able to do the same with emails.

Hi Tania,

Great question.

For Part 1. 
For emails you want associated in more than one matter, you will want to pick a default matter its associated with of the various matters that the email was about.

Then, once its associated in outlook, go to the documents section of the matter, and right click on the
email. It will give you the option to copy it to another matter. Repeat the process if more than one matter.
For Part 2, we have no current way to do so at this time. Please submit a feature suggestion.

@taniatuttle - I have done this a couple of ways: 

  1. You can tag an email with one matter.  Then, you can untag it and tag it with the second matter.  This is relatively easier because you can do it all from Outlook. 
  2. You can do what @zac.meyer suggested.  

Both are going to end up being the same.  I just do it in Outlook. 


For part 2, I would right click the email with the settlement offer and Create PDF and then move the PDF to the settlement folder.  
