Calendar Integration Problems

  • 26 April 2023
  • 2 replies

Hello everyone! I am hoping someone may be able to help with this problem my staff and I keep running into. Initially, I had SB synced with my calendar, and as I hired a paralegal, I shared my calendar with our admin email. At first we had no problem both being able to create events on my calendar and assigning them to matters. One day events started popping up 3-4x on the calendar. Then somehow we fixed it (not sure how), but then soon after, only my paralegal was able to assign events on my calendar. Then today, I synced my calendar directly with SB again, and now events are popping up 4x. Does anyone know how to fix this? My staff and I both need to be able to access my calendar to create and assign events. Additionally, we tried putting events on the calendar in SB directly, and we found that my staff could see events on my calendar that were created in SB but I could not see them on my end. Anyone have any ideas???


Smokeball, please fix this integration so that both my staff and I are able to create events, assign them to to matters, and so both my staff and I can view them. 

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

This type of problem is a good one to direct to the very able SB tech support who can remote into your computer with your permission to fix it (@Jeff Bensch - the voice of US Smokeball technical support hotline). They have fixed issues like this for me before.

99% of time SB Calendar integration works great for me. My recommendation is that you do not use Outlook to share calendars and create events which you could create in SB. The SB calendar link ability only works on the desktop computer with the primary outlook email account synced to the SB user. So your staff cannot create an event for you in Outlook and cause it to link from Outlook to SB.

Sometimes the SB integration comes unsynced from Outlook and when it does its serious problem. The only tipoff is that you know you put events on calendar that aren’t synced. SB does not warn you that this has happened. Then you have to re-sync the calendar and newly synced past events will pop up all at once.

Could you please clarify this statement:

“Additionally, we tried putting events on the calendar in SB directly, and we found that my staff could see events on my calendar that were created in SB but I could not see them on my end. Anyone have any ideas???”

Are you trying to see the events in Outlook or Smokeball? Is your staff creating the events on your calendar? Did your SB-Outlook sync become disabled?

Userlevel 4

Hopefully you have reached out to support but just in case, if the calendar you are using in Outlook is syncing from Google then we have seen this happen. Our calendar sync is designed to sync with an Outlook calendar but not with a Google calendar (even if that Google calendar is going through Outlook). Google calendars start duplicating events.


Either way, I hope you have had a chance to reach out to support. 
