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For me, this question primarily relates to Estate Planning matter types (could be others), but is there a streamlined process that exists or anyone otherwise employs to save a historical version of a model/template document so that it can be accessed later (whether as a template or not). Each year or throughout a year our office will make changes to a template and in some cases it is beneficial to still have access to the old version, but otherwise use the new version on a daily basis.

For one individual template document, I’ve considered a number of ways to do it (saving it to a Smokeball Matter for firm operations or duplicating the template and renaming the new one within the Forms/Templates interface), but in this instance I’d like to be able to efficiently export dozens of documents that currently exist as a Form/Template. I haven’t seen an easy way to do this.



Hello John,

That is a really interesting question.  I cannot wait to hear what our other estate planning folks have to say.  Smokeball does allow you to access all of your versions of a template by right clicking on the template and looking at the version history.  Does that sound like it might work for you or are looking to memorialize the version separately from version history?  You could also choose to right click on the template before editing and choosing to “Create copy” and then rename and maybe move to an “old versions” folder in the Forms and Templates library?


Thanks, Sara.

I was aware of Version History, but hadn’t realized how robust it is. I think it will actually (on the short term) solve the issue I was initially considering and is a great resource (tracking not only modifications but also name changes to the file, etc). That being said, I would still like to explore (maybe a feature request) an option to Export any (multiple) template document to more permanently archive the files separately from Smokeball (belts and suspenders!).

Thanks for weighing in, much appreciated.
