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I have an existing Contact who has joined the local Attorney General’s office.  Therefore, I opened the contact record for the Attorney General’s office and clicked on “Add Another Person” at the bottom of the list of all of my contacts already there and successfully linked my contact to the office.

But there is no address in that person’s contact record.

The address from the Attorney General’s Office contact did not fill in the address fields of the individual whom I just added.

Is there a way to tell Smokeball that the employee of the company uses the address in the company’s contact record?

Hello ​@MSINDC 

For contacts that are associated with an organization, when you send them letters to them as a contact of that organization, it uses the organization’s address.  The contact card itself has the option for a separate address.  We have firms that work with Organizations with contacts attached that also do separate work for these individuals contacts associated with the organization for things like Estate Planning and Purchase and Sale of Real Estate in which they need to have their residential address instead of their work address.  
