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Welcome to our new members!

Before we break for the holidays, we want to highlight two powerful features that will save you tremendous time and errors: tasks and workflows.   

Because these features affect internal processes, it’s important to meet as a firm to discuss how you’ll implement these tools. A few examples of what to decide as a firm: 

  • Will your firm use activity tracking? 

  • What internal processes should be adapted as workflows? 

  • What activity codes do you want to use? 

Once you’ve decided these things, you can jump into Smokeball Tasks and Workflows. Here are some pro-tips as you start using these features: 

  • Name tasks actionably. When a task pops up, you want it to tell you what to do. So you’re your tasks accordingly with actionable titles. For example: “book venue for mom’s birthday” NOT “mom’s birthday party.”  

  • Sub-tasks should nest under the larger task. Think of sub-tasks as a smaller piece that informs the larger task. Going off the example above, “pay venue deposit” might be a sub-task for the larger task of booking the venue for your mom’s birthday. If the sub-task requires its own due date then it should be its own discrete task.  

  • Attach forms and documents to workflows. Supercharge your workflows by saving relevant forms and documents to them. This is also a great way to help train new staff who might not know where to find a document otherwise.  

  • Take advantage of other users’ workflows. Did you know you can import and export workflows? Talk with your peers here and in the larger Smokeball Community to see how they’re using workflows. And in the meantime, check out some sample workflows by practice area: 

If you missed your Smokeball Basics or Essentials training, be sure to reschedule so you can get the most of your Smokeball subscription.

🏆 Bonus points: share a screenshot of one of the workflows you’ve created. 

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