Welcome to our latest legal content update. We’ve been busy building new matter types, adding new forms as well as updating existing forms and Lexon precedents. We’ve included the highlights below or read the full release notes for all the details.
New Survivorship Application Matter Type
This month we released a new Survivorship Matter Type for Victoria. This is available for our Victorian clients in the Conveyancing category and is designed to be used for those matters requiring the transfer of Title to a surviving tenant where the other proprietor on Title has passed away.
For our New South Wales and Queensland clients, keep an eye out for an equivalent matter type that will be heading your way soon.
SA Land Services Forms Update
This month also saw the update of over 35 of our existing Land Services SA forms. Some of the updated forms included the Caveat, Lease, Removal of Caveat, Surrender of Lease, Transfer Dealing with Rights and Discharge of Mortgage forms. The primary change across the board for these forms was the amendment of the Privacy Collection Statement.
Marketplace Precedents Updates
For our Lexon Insurance clients, the following suites were updated this month:
- Personal Injury
- Family
- Litigation
- Estate Planning
- Conveyancing
- Estate Administration
- Criminal
- Mortgage
- Elder Law
For our Precedent Online clients, we have also added a new precedent called “2022 Special Conditions for Off the Plan Sales Unregistered Vendor” available in the Property folder.
… And Many More Forms Updates
This was a big month for forms updates, with several Courts and Authorities providing updates to their forms across a range of practice areas, including:
- Children's Court of Victoria
- Supreme Court of Victoria
- Australian Taxation Office
Seven forms were also to added to the NEW Administrative Appeals Tribunal folder.
For a full list of all of the forms that were updated please visit our Support Hub page.
Report Updates
We also made several report improvements based on popular feedback which included:
- In the Conveyancing - Settlement Client List report, we added a Client PO Box column; and
- For the Matter - Full List report, we added a PO Box column.
That’s all for now, but stay tuned for next month’s update and don’t forget to join our Australian Updates & News Lounge to be the first to know about what’s new in this space!
As always please post your questions and requests by hitting “Reply” below.