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Using a Smokeball Matter for a general office matter for admin and non-client related documents

  • 2 September 2024
  • 2 replies

Has anyone set up a Smokeball matter that is just a general office/administration file where you save correspondence and other docs that are not related to a specific matter?  Does it throw out any of your reporting etc?  Failing that, where do you house all this stuff?

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@Wendy N. Yes, we use the following general office/admin matters:

  • Financial;
  • Human Resources;
  • Technology;
  • Partner Meetings / Discussions;
  • [Name of law firm] Trust Deposit (for our initial cushion deposit);
  • [Partner / Employee name] (for documents related to each individual such as hiring / onboarding, CLE / training / discipline, sick/leave, termination etc.)

You can set the matters to “not-billable”. Without knowing how you use your reporting I could not comment on how this will affect it. I want to know how much time is spent on these different non-billable areas of practice.

Hi Wendy, I specifically asked Smokeball support if there was another way to do this rather than setting up matters with my firm as the client. I had hoped there would be a standard non-billable matter type, such as business development, but apparently there is not. So you do just need to set up each of your non-billable matter codes with your firm as a client (or you could assign a dummy-client name, I suppose!)
