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I am wanting to do an unbilled time and disbursement summary report instead of the full detailed report (which came out at 100 pages) but this summary report does not give the MATTER DESCRIPTION and as we have several clients with more than one file we can not see which matter the fees and disb relate to (apart from checking each file number).  Is there another report that I can do that can give me what I want - I have failed to find one so far.   




Thanks for your query. Currently the only way to see this info in a report would be to reduce down the filters to display only what you need in the Unbilled Time & Disbursement Details report. However as you mention, this will produce a longer report than the summary version, as this report is designed to list out the individual unbilled entries.

We’ll take this feedback to our report developers & we’ll see what we can do to improve this. 

Thank you for sharing this, greatly appreciated! 

Kind regards,
