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Will SB ever deploy a report for the matters without activity widget? It would be super helpful if we could filter a max amount of days not touched, so as to clear the list of old/dormant matters. Or even if you could sort the widget from more recent to older. Currently, the files not touched for the longest time are at the top, and you have to scroll to see ones not touched in a few days. 

Also it would be very helpful to be able to filter by attorney to see which cases are not being touched.

Hello Abby,

You make some very persuasive points on why a report would help!  I will pass this suggestion on to our reporting team.

@abbey321 this report exists - in my firm it appears as “No Activity Report". If you do not have it in your list my experience is that you can ask your account manager or support to turn it on a report for you.

@JKibler OMG thank you so much! I immediately emailed support for it. Appreciate you!

Thanks Jonathan!  I did not know we had that as a report option!  

@abbey321 - happy to help. @Sara Sultan - They may have built the report on my request. The good problem of SB continuously improving is that there are always new features to keep up with.
