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Download or Send File

  • 17 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Have a situation where a lawyer is leaving the firm with a few files. How can that lawyer download the smokeball matter or send/transfer it to a separate smokeball account? Thank you. 

Hello @JG98 


There is no way to download a matter to then transfer to another Smokeball account.  I would suggest creating or using a file cover sheet to get the information out of the matter details section.  This will need to be manually reentered on the new Smokeball account.  You can export contacts, but it will either be all contacts for your firm, or just client contact information for the attorney that is leaving’s clients.  You can use the Client - Full List report for this.  Time and Expense entries are easily exported as well as documents and emails.  It must be done on a matter by matter basis though.  Let me know if you have more questions.
