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Cases Settled Report

  • 22 May 2024
  • 4 replies

Fellow Personal Injury Practitioners: 


Have you found a way to run a report that shows cases that have settled over a certain time period and the revenue from those cases? Preferably also showing case tags and attorney and staff time in the file? 





Hi Faith, 


If you have access to the firm insights tab at your firm, we added and rolled out two new personal injury reports. One that will show cases settled and one that will show cases that are projected to settle. Take a look and see. We designed them with the reasons you stated above. 

Thank you! That gets me part of the way there. I don’t see where on that report I can sort out cases by case type or tag, and see how much attorney and staff time each type of case is taking. I’m looking to get a handle on which types of cases are the biggest time sucks and have the least return. 

Ahh okay. Now I see what you are looking for. In billing, go to reports, income allocation summary report, and you can sort by area of law and attorney and timekeeper and beyond and see the percentage of money you are actually taking in. 

I just spent a few minutes playing with those reports, and of the three I tried to run, none worked. Sounds like I need some training on how to make that functionality work. 

