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  • 8 July 2024
  • 5 replies

Is there a way to generate invoices for when a client has a balance due, but no new work is done?  Besides using the “reminders” tab?? 

Hi @JenH1000204 

If all of the work done is currently on an invoice, then since the invoice already exists you can’t generate a new one, but if you just want to send the invoice to your client again then in Smokeball web, if you view the Invoice you wish to send, you can click on the Email button and resend the invoice and invoice email.

Is this what you had in mind?




Hi @JenH1000204 

If all of the work done is currently on an invoice, then since the invoice already exists you can’t generate a new one, but if you just want to send the invoice to your client again then in Smokeball web, if you view the Invoice you wish to send, you can click on the Email button and resend the invoice and invoice email.

Is this what you had in mind?




Makes sense - but what if I want to generate a new invoice with interest?

Makes sense - but what if I want to generate a new invoice with interest?

Would this not be an “invoice statement”? I don’t think we have ever applied interest although our contracts allow for it. It would be nice to know how applying interest works. 

You would have to enable interest for the matter. It has an option to apply interest going forward or applying to old invoices.  I would then make a new time entry such as “review billing” making that no charge and then you can make a current invoice showing the interest.

@Paula Dawson - thanks for the tip. I checked and an invoice statement will show accrued interest (once enabled for the matter) without generating an additional invoice. Either method could work depending on your situation.
