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Good afternoon,

When we have 2 or more clients with the same address, we create a joint card within the matter by ‘adding another person’ on the card.  We have noticed, when we search for their individual card to update any details, the address on the joint client has not been updated onto their individual cards.

I could have sworn that it had done so previously.

What is everyone else doing to navigate this?  Do you create the individual contact card first and then merge when opening a matter? or do you create the joint card in the matter and then update the individual card with the address? 

This seems like extra work.  The more data entry we have to do, the more errors that can happen.  The more clicks and typing we do, the less productive we become.

Smokeball - can you please update so that if an address is created in a joint card that their individual card is also updated simultaneously.



@Cath - PLQ this has been happening off and on for at least the last year and a half, and I have personally submitted multiple support or feature suggestion tickets on the subject.

I find creating the joint card first and then copy + paste from Client 1’s (the party in the first position on the group card) individual card to Client 2’s individual card is the easiest and reduces errors.

It is frustrating to have to monitor this “behavior” of the contact cards inside the system and adjust data entry methods accordingly. It’s not efficient and does lend to the opportunity for errors to happen. It also creates more work should addresses be updated. All instances require updating. Contact maintenance is a lot of work in general.

As I understand it, there is work being done to improve contact cards and how they are linked but it seems this is either a large undertaking or not at the top of the priority list given how long a final product is taking. 

Thank you MFD for your reply


Yes - it is frustrating and I will be following this update closely - lets hope SB will listen and make this a priority.


Errors happen, however if the system we are working with can link the joint cards with the individual cards less errors can happen.


