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Monday brief: What to check out this week in the Smokeball community

  • 17 June 2024
  • 0 replies
Monday brief: What to check out this week in the Smokeball community

Here’s a quick recap of recent highlights in our community and beyond. Check out these discussions, including a big shoutout to @magort for their support of fellow members. 

Let's dive in

  • Tell us about your experience with RingCentral
    @KloseLaw and @LYork are considering RingCentral and would like input from others. Whether you’re a huge fan or decided not to use it, they’d love to hear from you.
    Share your experience with RingCentral

  • How's your client intake process?
    Your revenue and workload both improve with a well-thought-out, automated intake process. Watch this webinar recap and ask follow-up questions on how to apply these lessons to your firm's intake process.
    Improve your client intake process

  • Speak AI
    We've got a great webinar on prompt writing that helps you save time and automate more with AI. Check out the recap for all the details.
    Read the recap and learn how to speak AI

  • Learning to use AI in Smokeball
    AI is coming to Smokeball—in fact, it's already here if you know where to look. If you're experimenting with AI in Smokeball or have questions about upcoming features, share them here, and we'll get them answered for you.
    Ask your questions about AI and Smokeball

  • Special shoutout
    A huge thank you to @magort for their fantastic support of Bishoy on how to get notifications for new leads firing. We see you and appreciate you!
    See Magort in action here


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