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We work with a contract attorney who bills her time into her own system. We then bill her time to our clients through smokeball. Is there a way to import multiple time entries into SB so she does not have to duplicate work?

I’m interested in how to do this too.

Hey @sgibson and @Funkytown ,


There is no import option at this time.  I will let the Billing Product folks know of your suggestion.  Alan, can you tell me your use case for wanting to import time?  Is it the same?

Hey @sgibson and @Funkytown ,


There is no import option at this time.  I will let the Billing Product folks know of your suggestion.  Alan, can you tell me your use case for wanting to import time?  Is it the same?

A partner in my office uses another billing software package. His associate is working on a case of mine and emailed me billing which I manually input into Smokeball. I’d prefer to import

@Sara Sultan What about this - Create the ability for vendor invoices/receipts to Expenses to be attached or hyperlinked to invoices when they are sent to clients (or maybe just hyperlinked for viewing when sent through communicate). The contract attorney’s time is then subtotaled and added as one expense with the invoice for the time linked/attached to the expense.

Interesting idea Jonathan.  It would definitley change how it would look on the invoice and the reporting would show as an expense rather than income.  I will pass your suggestion on to our developers.
